Switzerland Education system

March 3, 2025
The Secret To Germany s Low

The following documents published by the documentation and information service of the Secretariat of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder are available in English:

The Education System in the Federal Republic of Germany 2012/13. A description of the responsibilities, structures and developments in education policy for the exchange of information in Europe. In cooperation with the German EURYDICE Unit of the Federal Government in the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Bonn 2014.

Basic structure of the educational system in the Federal Republic of Germany (Diagram).Printed version: 2015

Glossary on Education. Institutions, Examinations, Qualifications, Titles and other Specialist Terms.
Bonn 2010 - no printed version available

The Glossary on Education is also published on the Deutscher Bildungsserver. It contains 127 key words with explanations in German and in English.

Furthermore, the documents which are a result of the co-operation in EURYDICE – The information network on education in Europe are published on the Eurydice-Homepage. Most of them are available in English, French and German.

Source: www.kmk.org
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